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      Welcome to Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., Ltd.!(A share code: 002460 | H share code: 01772)
      Gan Feng Special committee
      The company’s board of directors has four special committees, namely, a strategy committee, an audit committee, a remuneration committee, and a nomination committee. Each special committee performs its duties in strict accordance with the "Company Law", "Articles of Association" and relevant rules of procedure; and establishes a board-level sustainability committee , Improve the company's environmental, social and governance (ESG) management level.
      Strategy Committee
      Strategy Committee
      The Company established a strategy committee on 26 April 2008. The Strategy Committee consists of fi...
      >>View details
      Chairman:Li Liangbin
      Committee member:Wang Xiaoshen、Shen Haibo、Yang Juan、Yu Jianguo
      Remuneration Committee
      Remuneration Committee
      The Company established a remuneration committee on 26 April 2008. The Company has revised the writt...
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      Chairman: Xu Yixin
      Committee member:Yang Juan、Xu Guanghua
      Nomination Committee
      Nomination Committee
      The Company established a nomination committee on 26 April 2008. The Company has revised the written...
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      Chairman:Wang Jinben
      Committee member:Xu Guanghua、Deng Zhaonan
      Audit Committee
      Audit Committee
      During the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee held 4 meetings to review the internal and external...
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      Chairman: Huang Sze Wing
      Committee member:Wang Jinben、Xu Yixin
      Sustainable Development Committee
      Sustainable Development Committe
      The Company established a sustainable development committee under the Board at the Shareholders&rsqu...
      >>View details
      Chairman:Wang Xiaoshen
      Committee member:Huang Sze Wing, Yu Jianguo
      Follow Us
      WeChat official account
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